Blog - Patents, Trademarks & Designs
Assessing the patentability of an invention: prior art search
Justus Kreuels - 8. January 2025
In patent law, prior art refers to all information and publications on a technical invention that were available to the public at the time the patent application was filed.
Patent search: procedure and databases
Justus Kreuels - 7. November 2024
A patent search is carried out before filing a patent application. Information on patents and utility models published worldwide is publicly available and can be searched, for example, in the online databases of the DPMA, EPO and WIPO.
The protection of trade secrets
Philipp Henrichs - 8. October 2024
The Trade Secrets Protection Act serves to protect confidential information. In addition to legal measures, companies should also define technical and organizational regulations in order to effectively protect their trade secrets.
IP Compliance
Justus Kreuels - 6. September 2023
Innovative companies need a well-organized IP compliance management. Establishing an effective protection and control system not only helps to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, but also to guarantee the protection of a company's IP assets and to significantly reduce the risk with regard to the infringement of third-party property rights.
IP Due Diligence
Justus Kreuels - 3. November 2022
An IP due diligence is a targeted analysis and evaluation of a company's IP portfolio.
It is carried out in preparation for a transaction (e.g. merger, sale and purchase of a company, investment, spin-off, licensing deal) in order to know the value of the IP portfolio, as well as possible legal risks, at an early stage.
Transfes and assignment of intellectual property rights
Justus Kreuels - 29. August 2022
Reasons for the transfer of a patent, trademark or design may be a change of owner, a change of address or a change of name. However, mergers, company takeovers and liquidations also entail a transfer of IP rights. This should be announced and registered with the responsible patent and trademark office.
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) for patentable inventions
Justus Kreuels - 17. January 2022
Confidentiality agreements, also known as NDAs ("non-disclosure agreements"), play an important role in the field of intellectual property. For a patentable development for which a patent application has not yet been filed, a non-disclosure agreement should be drawn up with all parties involved before confidential information is exchanged that is not to be made public.
The European Patent: Cost-optimised filing strategies for Europe
Justus Kreuels - 16. September 2021
When filing a European patent application, in addition to the fees to be paid, the additional costs (in particular for the validation of a European patent and the renewal fees) should also be taken into account. The aim of this blog article is to give you an early and realistic estimate of the costs involved in making decisions about granting a patent.
Contractual agreements for software developments
Justus Kreuels - 30. October 2020
Prior to software development, a contractual agreement or a software development contract should be signed between the client and the programmer or developer of an individual software. The contract should always be individualized and adapted to the specific circumstances.
The Employee Invention Act (ArbnErfG)
Justus Kreuels - 30. March 2020
The German Employee Invention Act aims to achieve a balance of interests between employer and employee so that the invention can be used by the company and the inventor receives appropriate compensation.
IP Strategy: Freedom to Operate analyses
Justus Kreuels - 18. February 2019
Freedom-to-operate analyses allow you to check whether your own products infringe third-party property rights. In today's article, you will learn what you need to do, what questions needs to be asked and what search options are available.
Advice during product development
Justus Kreuels - 14. September 2018
How can you protect yourself from imitations with your own property rights? We explain what development-related patent work is all about, what patent protection makes possible, and the right way to proceed.