Justus Kreuels - 1. July 2024

Trademark application at the GPTO

What is a trademark?

A trademark is used to identify the goods or services of a company.

Trademarks can consist of words, letters, numbers, images, three-dimensional objects or acoustic signals (word mark, figurative mark, three-dimensional mark, sound mark). Characteristics such as smell, taste or feel can also be protected under trademark law.

A trademark can be renewed indefinitely, but it will be deleted if the renewal fee is not paid every 10 years.

Absolute grounds for refusal

To apply for a trademark, it is necessary that there are no absolute grounds for refusal. These are examined by the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA).

Due to the large number and often difficult delimitation of possible grounds for refusal, it is advisable to seek advice from a certified intellectual property rights lawyer before filing an application. They can check and advise whether the desired trademark is likely to be successfully registered.

Quality promise

A protected brand gives a product credibility and trust on the market. End consumers tend to favor products with well-known and established brands as they are associated with quality, reliability and a certain standard.

Trademark protection also allows individual inventors to ensure that their product is perceived as trustworthy, even if they do not have large marketing budgets.

Trademark infringements

Another important aspect of trademark protection is the ability to protect against product piracy and trademark infringement.

Without a registered trademark, it can be difficult to take action against companies that try to profit from the popularity and success of a product by using similar trademarks or producing counterfeits.

A registered trademark provides a legal basis to take action against such infringements and defend intellectual property.

Competitive advantages

Brand protection can also help to increase the value of a product and strengthen its market position. A well-established brand can create customer loyalty and recognition, leading to a competitive advantage in the long term.

By building a strong brand, companies can build a sustainable customer base and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Promotion of company growth

A protected brand can serve as an asset and increase the value of the company as a whole. This in turn can increase the attractiveness for potential investors or business partners and support the company's growth potential.

Regarding Justus Kreuels:

Justus Kreuels, German and European Patent Attorney, studied mechanical engineering at the TU Munich and the RWTH Aachen. A main focus of his practice is the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the field of mobile communication, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, etc. in Germany.

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