Why pursue market analyses
In what direction could a technology pan out? Which new areas of application could be sought? Where are new services and products required? To be entrepreneurially successful over the long term means being able to seize new trends and developments early on and recognizing their potential market value. It can also save costs when potential cooperation partners and customers are found at an early stage of a development. Ultimatly it is of great importance, to understand, in which areas competitors have achieved unreachable advantages. These businesss areas should not be pursued.
use patents and trademarks more efficiantly for market analyses
In general patents are published eighteen months after registration. Nevertheless a patent application is an early indicator of new technological trends. Especially good results can be achieved, when patent application activities and other trends are closely observed simultaneously. Because of our extensive work, we are experienced in analyzing patents from this angle. Together with our coorporation partners we will help you find answers to the above posed questions. we are looking forward to your call.
Your contact partners

Justus Kreuels

Philipp Henrichs

Hermann Kahlhöfer

Björn Ebling

Raphael Sander