Our modular system for employee invention renumeration
Due to many mandates in the area of employee invention law and regular exchanges with experts in this field, we have gained extensive experience in the efficient handling of employee invention law in medium-sized companies and corporate groups, which we have combined into a modular system.
Our modular system makes it possible to realize the following four requirements for a system for handling employee inventions in the company:
Operation: transparent and structured processes to achieve far-reaching acceptance in the company. Cost efficiency: reduction of the administrative expense in an appropriate remuneration system. Motivation: impulses for the employees to produce inventions. Innovation protection: strategic protection from investments in the companies.
The topmost demand is to ensure the legal stability of the company, notwithstanding thereof if the focus was laid on the operation of, the cost efficiency, the motivation or the innovation protection. The modular system consists of standardized processes, comprehensive form letters, check - lists and calculation formula for three phases of the development of property rights of an employee invention from within the company. Namely the invention registration, the property right acquisition and the inventor renumeration.
In the course of the invention release it can be achieved, that the communication of inventions within the company and any assessment on further actions is simplified or supported. A clear division of competences and an efficient integration of the interests of the inventors into the process of developing a focussed portfolio can be important in the course of receiving a property right. For an overall accepted conzept of the inventor renumeration suitable flat-rates in specified intervals can be helpful.
Depending on how the operation, cost efficiency, motivation and innovation protection are measured, matched procedures can be fixed. Furthermore, this allows a gradual integration of the system into the already existing organisation of employee inventions. Our system distinguishes itself from others with the fact, that singular modules within a business can be implemented and executed by your employees while other modules can be operated by external IP-Experts. This can lead to a crucial cost advantage. To train your employees we offer in house training courses. We would be pleased to see if we could awake your interest and and are at your disposal for any further questions.
Your contact partners

Justus Kreuels

Hermann Kahlhöfer

Philipp Henrichs

Björn Ebling

Raphael Sander