Innovation in physics and their potential
Inventions with great market potential often derive from basic research in physics. One of many examples is the usage of magnetoresistive effects for saving data on a hard drive. It is possible, to protect important applications of basic physical effects. Although the finding itself can not be protected, the application as such has a chance at a patent protection.

Patent strategies for physics and their potential
Basic research involving high levels of investment can be effectively secured in order to achieve a return on investment (ROI). However, the limited term of patents of a maximum of 20 years and the progressively increasing maintenance fees with the patent term should not be underestimated. The firm sees it as its task and challenge to develop patent strategies in the field of physics that are tailored to the economic potential of an invention, taking into account time and cost aspects.
technical property rights for physical inventions
Our attorneys have longlasting experience with the aquisition of technical property rights on physical inventions and is well accustomed to the specialities, that the protection of physical invention requires. Although, a scope of protection cannot be cast over physics as such, potential uses of physical inventions should be closely monitored and possibly patented, to achieve a similar effect.
Your contact partners

Hermann Kahlhöfer

Justus Kreuels

Philipp Henrichs

Björn Ebling

Raphael Sander